For top sporting performance
Sports dentistry
In sports dentistry, hidden chronic inflammation, tooth decay and malocclusions are detected and treated to improve your performance in sport.

What is sports medicine?
The challenge in recreational and competitive sports is to increase performance and minimize injuries. Sports dentistry plays an important role in this and prevention is a key factor.
If you want to increase or optimize your athletic performance, you should pay attention to the following areas:
- a good bite
- Balanced chewing muscles
- Jaw joints in balance
- good tongue posture
- Avoid inflammation in the dental area
- Nasal breathing
- Incompatibilities of dental materials
- Measuring the effect of the craniomandibular area on athletic performance
- Clean oral hygiene and regular Dental hygiene
We can use the diagnostic methods from CMD to determine whether your bite has a negative impact on your athletic performance. By optimizing your bite and masticatory system, a functional improvement in your performance can be achieved. This is important for all sporting disciplines.
Close cooperation is always sought with colleagues from other specialist areas, physiotherapists, team doctors and mental trainers in order to achieve comprehensive care for the recreational or professional athlete.
Sports dentistry includes

Injury prevention: sports mouthguards
The treatment and prevention of oral and facial injuries. Sports injuries to the teeth or jaw are the most common type of injury in many sports (football, field hockey, basketball, handball, etc.). To prevent these as far as possible and to protect your teeth, a sports mouthguard is made and fitted individually for the sport and the athlete.
Dental health
The development of carious lesions and inflammation of the periodontium should be prevented. Existing oral diseases must be treated gently but as quickly as possible. Training schedules and match operations are taken into account.
Neuromuscular gnathology: Is your bite right?
There are a number of stressful interference fields that are directly related to athletic performance. For this reason, the diagnosis of neuromuscular connections in the event of postural damage or incorrect loading of the musculoskeletal system to the masticatory system and the development of a treatment plan is an important task within sports dentistry.
This reduces the risk of injury and increases general well-being and therefore motivation and performance. The athlete regains "the right bite", so to speak.
A warm welcome
Your personal dentist Lucerne
We look forward to getting to know you in a personal meeting. We take a lot of time for you in each individual case.