Dental treatment without fear - under general anesthesia
Dental treatment under general anesthesia
As a patient suffering from anxiety or dentophobia, you do not have to justify your wish for dental treatment under general anesthesia - we will ensure that your treatment is safe and stress-free.

Painless dental treatment with general anesthesia
General anesthesia is an integral part of 3TermineTherapy. The 3TT-OLA-ITN® anaesthesia technique specially developed by Dr. Leu is particularly gentle and reduces the risk of pain and swelling to a minimum.
The reasons for a treatment are very different, are you afraid of the treatment or is it a longer procedure? The procedure is also possible for children and on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. We will be happy to help you.
Good to know

What happens during a general anesthetic at the dentist?
If you opt for a general anesthetic treatment, this will be prepared and supervised by a specialist anesthetist in our clinic.
The anesthetist will gently put you into a deep sleep in our dental practice. He or she will take care of your vital signs during the dental treatment so that your dentist can fully concentrate on your treatment. You will feel no pain and sleep completely relaxed, with all your senses switched off for the duration of the treatment. You can go home immediately after the general anesthetic.
We generally recommend that you arrange to be picked up.
The principle that the stomach must be empty applies to every general anesthetic procedure. You must not eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before the outpatient procedure!
What are the advantages of dental treatment under general anesthesia?
- Let go of your fear of the dentist.
- The treatment requirements of patients with comprehensive treatment needs can almost always be met, including complete rehabilitation.
- General anesthesia safely and completely eliminates pain during dental treatment.
- Anesthesia is possible as OLA-ITN®. The advantages of OLA-ITN® are: Postoperative swelling and pain are reduced to a minimum.
- The anesthetist always administers the anesthesia. The anesthetist concentrates on the patient's vital functions and is present during the entire dental treatment together with his team.
- With us, you will reach your goal after just three appointments and one general anesthetic, i.e. much faster, more gently and more efficiently. The patient can then go home.
What does 3TT-OLA-ITN® mean?
3TT-OLA-ITN® is a registered and Europe-wide protected trademark, which is used in the ZZL - Your Dental Health Center Lucerne and in connection with the 3TermineTherapy.
The name is made up of:
- 3TermineTherapy = 3TT
- Without local anesthesia = OLA
- Intubation anesthesia = ITN
The special feature of this method is that we do not use local anesthesia for intubation anesthesia. This results in several positive effects for you, the patient:
- Absolutely safe elimination of pain during treatment
- Low risk of pain postoperatively
- Postoperative low risk of swelling
- No or hardly any need for painkillers after the operation
We do not want to minimize the risk of anesthesia and therefore recommend psychotherapy as the first choice for severe dental phobics.
Our team specializing in anxiety patients has already been able to make many anesthesia appointments unnecessary and in this context has shown how fears can be overcome.
A warm welcome
Your personal dentist Lucerne
We look forward to getting to know you in a personal meeting. We take a lot of time for you in each individual case.